How AVIACS Solved the onboard Documentation Distribution problem for a Multi-Base Operator

How AVIACS Solved the onboard Documentation Distribution problem for a Multi-Base Operator

How Aviacs solved the onboard Documentation Distribution problem for a Multi-Base Operator


In the aviation industry, managing and updating onboard documentation is essential for regulatory compliance and flight safety. A multi-base operator managing a fleet of helicopters across 7 different locations faced significant challenges in keeping its Operations Manuals up to date. Since the helicopters only returned to the main base for maintenance, maintaining up-to-date documents onboard was a complex task. To overcome this, the operator turned to the AVIACS solution.

The Challenge

The operator needed to ensure that the Operations Manuals aboard each helicopter were always up to date. The existing manual process involved printing the documents, transporting them to remote bases, updating them locally, and verifying compliance.

This process demanded substantial logistical effort and delegation, making it difficult to ensure that updates were executed properly. Frequently, manuals were lost, or updates were not applied, leaving the operator vulnerable to non-compliance with regulatory standards, which could lead to fines, operational delays, or even safety risks.

Thanks to the AVIACS EFB solution, we've completely streamlined our documentation process, saving time, reducing costs, and ensuring full compliance across all our helicopter bases.

Documentation Manager
DALL·E 2024-09-09 11.29.50 - A final revised version of the diagram showing the Aviacs solution for onboard documentation management across multiple helicopter bases. The diagram

The AVIACS Solution

To address this critical issue, AVIACS provided an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) solution, allowing the operator to manage the Operations Manuals electronically. The solution enables real-time updates of all documentation via an iPad app. Pilots simply need to refresh their app to access the latest documents, eliminating the need for paper-based versions. Automation, traceability, and speed are the key features of this solution, resolving the operator’s primary challenges.


The integration of AVIACS’s EFB module was quick and seamless, requiring prior approval from aviation authorities to transition to electronic documentation. Once the approval was granted, the module was deployed within minutes to meet the operational needs of the operator.


After implementing the AVIACS solution, the operator saw immediate and tangible benefits:

      • Significant Cost Savings: The elimination of manual tasks such as printing, transporting, and updating paper documents led to significant operational cost reductions.
      • Improved Compliance: With automated updates and traceability, the operator ensured full compliance with regulatory requirements, bolstering confidence with aviation authorities.
      • Time Savings: The operator’s team no longer had to spend time managing manual updates, freeing up resources to focus on other critical tasks.
      • Increased Reliability: The risks of lost documents or missed updates were completely eliminated, thanks to the electronic solution.

The operator now enjoys a streamlined, efficient, and compliant approach to managing onboard documentation, improving both operational efficiency and overall flight safety.

DALL·E 2024-09-09 11.31.26 - A second illustration for the blog post showing the benefits of the Aviacs EFB solution. The image should depict three key improvements_ 'Time Savings
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